Saginov Kairat Myrzabaevich

PhD in Pedagogy, Master of Psychology

Main place of work, position:
Senior Lecturer, Department of Natural Science, Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov

Hirsch Index, ResearcherID, ORCID, Scopus Author ID:

Scientific works:

  • Аралас оқыту: заманауи үрді-стері, тәжірибесі және технологиялық мүмкіндіктері. Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің хабаршысы. Педагогика. Психология. Социология сериясы, No 4 (141)/2022. - ISSN (Print) 2616-6895 ISSN (Online) 2663-2497.

  • 2) Fundamentals of Didactics. Nur-Sultan: Centre of Pedagogical Mastery, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, 2019. - 432с. Authors: Kusainov G.M., Saginov K.M., Kagazbaeva A.K., Abykanova B.T., Konurova Z.K., Nugimanova S.B. The use of mind maps in self-regulated learning. Methodological handbook - Nur-Sultan: Center of Pedagogical Mastery PI of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, 2019. - 75 с. Authors: Saginov K.M., Akymbek G.Sh., Karagozina M.I.

  • Online course as an effective form of professional development for teachers. Information and Methodological Journal "Pedagogical Dialogue" No.4, 2019 Nur-Sultan: p.50-57. Saginov К.М., Samuratova Z.B.