1. The research will result in 2 (two) papers or reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed in Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and/or Russian Science Citation Index database Web of Science and/or having CiteScore percentile in Scopus database not less than 35 (thirty five); and 3 (three) articles and/or reviews in peer-reviewed foreign and/or domestic publications recommended by COSCON. The first article will review educational and sociological research on rethinking the model of learning in digital age. The second article will analyse current trends in online learning and BL, most widely used in pandemic and post-pandemic era. The third article will review results of theoretical analysis of trend and prospects of educational- technological design of BL and substantiate methodological concept and model of BL in HE. The fourth paper will examine ID of BL based on integration of most effective digital, didactic and managerial technologies and tools in HEI. It will also substantiate the approaches to development of tools for assessing formation of students’ general and professional competences as result of BL, diagnostics and preliminary results will be considered. The fifth article will analyze results of experimental study on development and implementation of integrated digital BL educational technology in HE with appropriate criteria and indicators for assessing effectiveness.
2. A methodological concept and structurally meaningful model of ID of BL in HEI will be developed based on integration of didactic and digital educational technologies into unified system of BL in HEI.
3. Will be published in open press 1 monograph: "Scientific foundations of ID of BL in HE on the basis of digital learning technologies"; 2 textbooks: "Didactics of BL in HE" and "Methodology and technologies of BL in HE"; 1 methodical textbook: "BL in HE on basis of digital learning technologies". The authorship rights for above publications will be obtained from national Patent Bureau.
4. The "Integrated digital educational technology for BL in HE" will be developed, tested and implemented with appropriate criteria and performance indicators on website of West Kazakhstan University of Innovation and Technology (WKITU).
5. A holistic digital management environment will be developed based on integration of technological autonomous management systems in implementation of BL. Teaching, learning, content management systems in organization of educational process will be presented on one platform. The single platform consists of 3 modules: 1) Organization of educational process through a management module. Access to the roles of learners, teachers, heads/managers of institutions is provided. Supervision, assessment and monitoring systems are in place. 2) Teaching module establishes asynchronous/synchronous communication services in digital environment, online whiteboard resources, design and creation of tasks, equipment and assessment tools. 3) The content module looks the library, audio, video resources. Resources are provided to activate learning methods and the possibility to add references. Evaluation criteria and indicators are compiled on evaluation of effectiveness of platform, evaluation of organization of BL process, evaluation of students' competences in the use of BL. A patent for system of "Integrated digital educational technology for BL in HE" will be obtained.
5. To popularize the Project, disseminate information on results and opportunities for commercialization, the Project website will be developed and implemented, where information and educational and methodological-technological materials of "Integrated digital educational technology for BL in HE" will be placed in HE. Based on the work results, certificates of implementation will be received from partner universities and colleges.
6. As Project result, BL Centre will operate at WKITU. At the Centre for BL, university leaders, managers and faculty, students and other stakeholders will upgrade their qualifications in ID of BL in HEI, based on the integration of digital education technologies, as well as Centre specialists will provide consulting and expert services.
The Project research results and best practices will be discussed and disseminated through Centre's website, social networks in webinars, forums, chat rooms and blogs, online communities. As Project result, managers, staff, teachers and students will improve their information, communication, innovation, meta-disciplinary and managerial competences. Traditional forms, methods, tools, management resources, teaching and learning will be transformed into innovative educational environment for HEIs. For example, there will be reduction in paperwork and economic effect of digitalisation, the education subjects will improve their leadership skills and information culture.
Thus, it is expected, the Project results will have a multiplicative, social, economic, environmental, scientific and technical effect both in West Kazakhstan, on national and international scale, as the cooperation horizons will expand on basis of increased academic mobility of teaching staff and students.