6. Development of the Concept of pedagogical design of a blended learning model in a higher educational institution based on the integration of didactic and digital educational technologies into a single model of blended learning at a university.
6.1. Development of pedagogical design of blended learning with methodological, didactic and technological justification. Scientific articles were prepared and published in a domestic publication recommended by KOKSON and in two foreign publications.
1. Bakhisheva S., Irgaliev A., Kinzhekova R and Kemesova A. 2023. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL ASPECTS OF DIGITAL INTERACTION IN CONDITIONS OF BLENDED LEARNING. HABARSHI «Psychology» series. 75, 2 (Jun. 2023). DOI:https://doi.org/10.51889/2959-5967.2023.75.2.026.
2. M. Bakhisheva, Z.G. Mukhtar. Unified Blended Learning Management System // «Alma mater» (Bulletin of Higher School) – 2023 – №09 – С. 49-57
3. Mukhtar Z.G., Bakhisheva S.M. Methodological concept and methods for integrating technological systems for managing blended learning at a university // Scientific and methodological electronic journal «Concept». – 2023. – № 08 (August). – С. 106–118. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/231075.htm
6.2. Online study of the experience of digitalization of the educational process of the University of Oulu in Helsinki, Republic of Finland
An online review of the activities and experience of the Infotech Oulu Focus Institute was conducted - the Institute of Information Technology as an innovative way to digitalize the educational process of the University of Oulu in Helsinki, Republic of Finland.
6.3. Presentation of the structural and content model of blended learning
Based on the integration of didactic and digital educational technologies into a unified system of blended learning, a methodological concept and a structural and content model of the pedagogical design of blended learning at a university have been developed.
1. Mukhtar Z.G., Bakhisheva S.M. Methodological concept and methods for integrating technological systems for managing blended learning at a university // Scientific and methodological electronic journal "Concept". – 2023. – № 08 (August). – С. 106–118. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2023/231075.htm
2. A Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 35202 dated April 27, 2023 was received. on the work of science “Structure and content of pedagogical design of blended learning based on the transformation of the didactic model”
7. Development of an integrated model of digital educational technologies LAMS, LMS, CMS, development of criteria and indicators for evaluating effectiveness. An integrated model of digital educational technologies has been developed: LAMS, LMS, CMS, Regulations on Blended Learning and Operating Rules based on an integrated model of digital educational technologies:
1. The developed integrated model “Aralas okytudyn tekhnologiyalyk baskaru zhuyelerin integrationau model” - “Integrated model of technological management systems for blended learning” received a Certificate of entering information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 34433 dated 04/07/2023. as a work of science
2. The Regulations and Rules for organizing the educational process in the form of blended learning have been developed and approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University dated May 26, 2023 No. 10.
7.1. Development of an integrated model of digital educational technologies LAMS, LMS, CMS
7.2. Creation of a digital educational platform for blended learning at a university Based on the integration of technologized autonomous control systems, a holistic digital control environment for blended learning has been developed. Currently, a single platform as a system for managing learning activities, training, and content in the organization of the educational process is being tested in experimental mode at a university.
1. Platform link: https://blearning.kz/login
2. The developed “Model of a unified educational platform for managing the process of blended learning” received a Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 40343 dated November 09, 2023, as a work of science.
7.3. Assessing the effectiveness of the educational platform, assessing the organization of the blended learning process, developing criteria and indicators for assessing students’ self-regulated learning skills as part of the implementation of blended learning. Methodological recommendations have been developed for assessing the effectiveness of the educational platform, criteria and indicators for assessing the organization of the blended learning process, assessing students’ self-regulated learning skills within implementation of blended learning and approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council of the West Kazakhstan Innovation and Technology University dated October 26, 2023 No. 2.
1. Guidelines for assessing the effectiveness of a blended learning platform;
2. Methodological manual on criteria and indicators for organizing and evaluating the blended learning process 3. Methodological recommendations for assessing the competencies of self-regulated learning of students within the framework of blended learning
The developed “Criteria and methodology for assessing the effectiveness of a blended learning educational platform” received a Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 40371 dated November 10, 2023, as a work of science
7.4.Project website development
To increase the possibility of dissemination, implementation and commercialization of information about the results of the project, a website has been developed and is functioning https://b-learning.kz/kk/. The website contains and updates informational, educational, methodological and technological materials on the results of the scientific project at the moment, scientific publications, copyrights.
7.5. Online study of blended learning models
An online analysis of blended learning models in the Russian Federation was carried out, the learned experience was systematized and materials were prepared for use in organizing the work of the “Center for Educational Technologies and Blended Learning” at the university as part of a scientific Project.
7.6. Online participation in the International Digital Educational Forum EdCranch
To get acquainted with the international experience of pedagogical design of blended learning, online participation in the sections is planned: personalized learning, technology platforms, online learning, learning management systems, pedagogical design, educational design spaces, hybrid learning.
Online participation in the conference, which will take place on November 15-16, 2023, has been confirmed.
1. Online registration for the conference (ticket)
8. Testing and implementation of an integrated model on a digital educational platform.
8.1. Approbation of an integrated model on a digital educational platform, stage 1.
Currently, an article has been prepared and sent to the editors of a scientific journal based on Scopus, Q2.
For the developed diagnostic model “Aralas oqytudy uyimdastyru eksperimentin 1-kezenin diagnosticalau model” - “Diagnostic model of the 1st stage of the experiment on organizing blended learning”
получено Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright No. 40343 dated November 9, 2023, as a work of scienceи.